Health Benefits

All of our member districts and charters offer a benefits package to eligible employees.  Benefits may differ by the number of hours worked, classification, and/or bargaining unit.   Health benefit selections are made for new hires during the hiring process and for active employees during open enrollment or due to a qualifying event.

Open Enrollment

Open Enrollment is the time during the year when you have the opportunity to change the medical, dental, and vision plans you are currently enrolled in.  If you anticipate having changes in your family in the upcoming plan year, open enrollment is the time to determine if your plan still meets your needs.

SISC Health Plans

Please see below for Open Enrollment information for all  Districts/ Charters enrolled on a SISC health plan


Open Enrollment forms are due to your district/charter school office no later than August 30, 2024
For the 2024-25 Plan Year

Enrollment Forms, Annual Notices, and Information

If you are an employee that would like to keep your current plan and make no changes, please complete the health plan election- (Site Specific).

If you are an employee that would like to enroll in a new plan,  please complete the health plan election for your site and either the Anthem or Kaiser enrollment form.

If you are an employee that needs to change your dependents please complete the enrollment health plan election form and the membership change form.

If you are an employee that would like to decline coverage please complete either Declination of Coverage- less than full time or Declination of Coverage  full-time (WABE)

Below are the 2023-24 health benefit plan descriptions (SBC's)

Anthem PPO 100% Plan SBC

Anthem PPO 90% Plan SBC 

Anthem PPO 80%-G Plan SBC 

Anthem PPO 80%-L Plan SBC 

Anthem PPO Minimum Value Plan SBC

Anthem PPO MEC 2-Tier Plan SBC

Kaiser $10 Co-Pay Plan SBC

When you enroll in one of the above medical plans (excluding the Anthem PPO MEC 2-Tier Plan), you are automatically enrolled in the following Vision and Dental plans.

VSP Vision Dual Copay -  Signature Plan C 

Delta Dental Incentive  Plan $1,000

Use the Benefit Provider Contact List and contact the carrier if you have questions about a plan’s coverage and /or benefits. 

Link to Previous Health Plan Year

2023-24 Health Plan Year Information