Mesa Union School District

Serves:  West of Somis

Grades:  TK-8

Students:  590

Superintendent:  Dr. Raul Ramirez, Ed.D.


As Mesa Union School District celebrates its 80th year of providing high quality education to students spanning grades TK through 8th throughout Ventura County, the essence of the District’s vision to “ Honor the Past, Live in the Present, and Drive to the Future” is very much alive.

The District honors its rich traditions by maintaining robust state test results, providing access to visual and performing arts, supplying students with a one to one computing learning environment, and facilitating extra-curricular activities and student clubs that fulfill the long-standing commitment of providing a well-rounded education to its students. The 2019-2020 school year promises to be a year of growth as the District’s Multi-Tiered System of Supports Model expands its academic, social-emotional, and behavioral supports for its students and the school community. Mesa Union is also thrilled to announce the introduction of a new Spanish elective at the middle school level and the addition of a grade 3-5 Special Day Class to accompany the growing K-2 program.

With the support of the school community and the passage of Measure O in 2018, Mesa Union School District looks to the future with excitement as it works to improve facilities that will enable the expansion of school and community programming and services, which will position the District’s students for success for many years to come.