Board Members

The Ventura County Schools Business Services Authority Board of Directors derives its power and authority from the State Constitution and laws of the State of California. The Board consists of five appointed members and five appointed alternates. Each district member has the responsibility of appointing their representative and alternate.

Board of Directors:

Dr. Raul Ramirez


Dr. Raul Ramirez
Mesa Union School District

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Vice President

Dr. Marlene Batista
Mupu Elementary School District



Kari Skidmore
Santa Clara Elementary School District

Dr. Dominguez


Dr. Carlos Dominguez
Briggs Elementary School District

Dr. Jesus Vaca


Dr. Jesus Vaca
Somis Union School District

Alternate Members:

Lindsay Winegar, Briggs Elementary School District

Kim Kuklenski, Mesa Union School District

Nicole Misewitch, Mupu Elementary School District

Deann Hobson, Santa Clara Elementary School District

Robert Fulkerson, Somis Union School District