Optional Benefits


Our Member Districts and Charters allow eligible employees to participate in several optional benefit programs.   Prior to submitting enrollment forms, please verify with your District or Charter that you are eligible to participate.  

Flexible Spending Account

A Flexible Spending Account (FSA) lets you set aside money from your paycheck on a pretax basis to use for eligible out-of-pocket expenses.  We offer FSA's through SISC.

 There are three types of FSAs.

Health Care FSA – You can use this account to pay for eligible medical, dental, vision, hearing, and prescription drug expenses for you, your spouse, and your eligible tax dependents. 

Dependent Care FSA – You can use this account to pay for eligible child and adult care expenses like daycare, before and after school care, nursery school, preschool, and summer day camp.  

Limited Purpose FSA – You can generally use this account to pay for eligible dental and vision expenses. Eligible expenses may also include prescriptions, over-the-counter items, and other health expenses based on your plan. 

SISC Flex Website

2024 Plan Year Items

SISC Flex Enrollment Guide

SISC FLEX POP Enrollment Form

403 (b) and 457(b) Plan

Public schools, colleges, universities, charities, state governments, local governments, and other tax-exempt entities under section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code are able to offer 403(b) plans.  The 403(b) is a strictly voluntary program wherein employees can contribute money to a retirement saving account that functions almost exactly like a 401(k): an employee makes a pre-tax contribution in the form of a payroll deduction, and that money grows tax-deferred until retirement. 

If you would like to start contributing to a 403(b) plan, please contact a financial Advisor to have one set up. After your account has been set up the Payroll Department will need forms completed to authorize payroll deductions.

403 Salary Reduction Authorization Amendment Form

457(b) Deferred Services Form

403(b) & 457(b) Comparison Chart 2024

2023/2024 Contribution Limits

Links to Salary Amendment Agreements for  403(b) and 457 (b) plans 

ACE Charter  

BRIDGES Charter School  

Briggs School District  

Meadows Arts & Technology Elem. School 

Mesa Union School District 

Mupu Elementary School District

River Oaks Academy Charter School  

Santa Clara Elementary School District 

Somis Union School District  

Ventura Charter School  

Ventura County Schools BSA